Nessuna di noi può negarlo: noi “femminucce” compriamo prima di tutto con gli occhi! “Chissene” del prezzo e dell’utilità, se indosseremo o useremo mai quell’oggetto, l’importante è averlo! Come resistere allora alla nuova ondata di profumi-gioiello. I grandi nomi della moda e della bellezza si sono messi d’impegno per conquistarci con anelli, collane e spille che nascondono al loro interno profumi solidi. Il più glamour è senza dubbio l’anello fiore “Lola” di Marc Jacobs (mix di rosa, peonia e geranio con note di vaniglia e muschio) con base in finto oro e fiore di plastica nelle sfumature di rosa, rosso e viola. “Lola” purtroppo è in misura unica (7) quindi occhio, puntate semmai sul bracciale, infatti esiste anche questa versione! Per le dita un po’ più piccole Marc Jacobs ha pensato ad un altro anello “Daisy” (misura 6, fragola, viola, pompelmo e gardenia tra le note di spicco) con una linea più semplice ma molto divertente, sui colori del nero e dell’oro con rilievi floreali. Anche Daisy ha una sua versione differente, la spilla floreale bianca e oro. Come se l’anello non fosse abbastanza (e il bracciale e la spilla…) “Lola” che “Daisy” hanno, nella confezione, una sacca colorata per custodirli. Sempre in tema di anelli come resistere a quello di Juicy Couture “Couture Couture” (note di rosa, mandarino, arancia, caprifoglio e sandalo) in edizione limitata tempestato di strass (anche questo nell’unica misura 7) che, come “Lola”, nasconde il profumo solido sotto la montatura. Juicy poteva non creare un’alternativa all’anello? Ovvio! Per le amanti dei bracciali “CoutureCouture” esiste anche nella versione tempestata di ciondoli. Stella McCartney ha invece puntato su una collana con profumo solido racchiuso nel medaglione (rigorosamente logato) per portare sempre con se un profumo dalle note di rosa e ambra. Non so voi ma…… io corro ad acquistarne uno!!!!
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None of us can deny it: girls buy first with eyes! No price, no utility, though we will never wear or use that object, the important thing is to have it! So how can you resist the new wave of jewel-perfume. The big names in fashion and beauty have made an effort to win for rings, necklaces and brooches that hide in them solid perfumes. It’s so glamorous flower ring "Lola" by Marc Jacobs (mix of rose, peony and geranium with notes of vanilla and musk) based in gold and plastic flower in shades of pink, red and purple. "Lola" is unfortunately one size (7) but ther is no problem: exist the bracelet version! For the fingers a bit smaller Marc Jacobs has come up with another ring "Daisy" (size 6, strawberry, violet, grapefruit and gardenia in the notes outstanding) more simple but very fun, black and gold with floral reliefs. Daisy also has a different version, the white and gold floral brooch. As if the ring was not enough (and the bracelet and brooch ...) "Lola" and "Daisy" are, in the box, a colorful bag to keep them. And speaking of rings as one of resist Juicy Couture "Couture Couture" (notes of rose, tangerine, orange, honeysuckle and sandalwood) limited edition studded with rhinestones (also in the one measure 7), as "Lola" , hides the solid perfume in the frame. Juicy could not create an alternative to the ring? Of course! For lovers of the bracelets "CoutureCouture" also exists in version studded charms. Stella McCartney has instead focused on a necklace with a medallion enclosed in the solid perfume (always logged) to always wear a fragrance with notes of rose and amber. Do not know about you but ... ... I run to buy one!!
None of us can deny it: girls buy first with eyes! No price, no utility, though we will never wear or use that object, the important thing is to have it! So how can you resist the new wave of jewel-perfume. The big names in fashion and beauty have made an effort to win for rings, necklaces and brooches that hide in them solid perfumes. It’s so glamorous flower ring "Lola" by Marc Jacobs (mix of rose, peony and geranium with notes of vanilla and musk) based in gold and plastic flower in shades of pink, red and purple. "Lola" is unfortunately one size (7) but ther is no problem: exist the bracelet version! For the fingers a bit smaller Marc Jacobs has come up with another ring "Daisy" (size 6, strawberry, violet, grapefruit and gardenia in the notes outstanding) more simple but very fun, black and gold with floral reliefs. Daisy also has a different version, the white and gold floral brooch. As if the ring was not enough (and the bracelet and brooch ...) "Lola" and "Daisy" are, in the box, a colorful bag to keep them. And speaking of rings as one of resist Juicy Couture "Couture Couture" (notes of rose, tangerine, orange, honeysuckle and sandalwood) limited edition studded with rhinestones (also in the one measure 7), as "Lola" , hides the solid perfume in the frame. Juicy could not create an alternative to the ring? Of course! For lovers of the bracelets "CoutureCouture" also exists in version studded charms. Stella McCartney has instead focused on a necklace with a medallion enclosed in the solid perfume (always logged) to always wear a fragrance with notes of rose and amber. Do not know about you but ... ... I run to buy one!!